Who's Coming last refreshed 11 minutes ago
2059 people are registered for U of A Days 2024.
Names of adult registrants only appear if the registrant wishes to be included. The list refreshes periodically, so if you don't see yourself right away please check back in 5 minutes or so.
School filter: All Agricultural Life & Env Sci Arts Augustana Business Campus St-Jean Education Engineering Extension Kinesiology Sport & Rec Law Libr & Info Med & Dentistry Native Studies Nursing Pharm & Pharm Sc Public Health Rehab Medicine Science
❱1959 (2 classmates)
- LeRoy Johnson
- LeRoy Johnson
❱1994 (2 classmates)
- Andrew Boylan
- Albert Giles
❱2011 (2 classmates)
- Gordon Naylor
- Gordon Naylor
= checked in